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Welcome to the CREST Network

A cooperative platform for the emergency medicine research community. 


The Clinical Research on Emergency Services & Treatments (CREST) Network is a multi-center collaborative network in Kaiser Permanente that encourages, enables, and executes research in emergency medicine. Its goals are to support a cooperative platform for the emergency medicine research community, encourage quality research in emergency medicine, and disseminate evidence-based knowledge to refine current community emergency care standards. 


Special news: pARC now available on MDcalc

In our pediatric abdominal pain study, we aimed to develop and validate a new pediatric Appendicitis Risk Calculator (pARC), quantifying risk for appendicitis on a continuous scale. Using rigorous methodology for score development and allowing for complex calculations, we aimed for the pARC to have improved accuracy and clinical use over the Pediatric Appendicitis Score. Our calculator is now available on MDcalc.

What keeps us busy?
Making an impact.
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